

Method Info

Also known as Melior, this coffee brewing device is mostly known worldwide as a French press, probably due to, its first ever, mass production in France. French press coffee is full bodied, with most of the coffee oils still present after brewing.
Perfect to start your day.


Coarse grind


French press

Water boiler

Burr coffee grinder

Precision scale

Cup(250-300 ml)


For a 300ml device (1 cup) use 18gr of coffee. (60gr of coffee / 1 litre of water)

Extraction ratio

1: 16

Step 1

Heat the water at a temperature between 92°C and 96°C.

Step 2

Preheat the French press with some hot water. Place on scale and tare to zero.

Step 3

Add the right amount of ground coffee in the French press and tare again.

Step 4

Begin to pour the freshly boiled hot water completely saturating the grounds.

Step 5

Place the filter lid on top without plunging.

Step 6

Wait for 4-5 minutes. Brewing time affects the final flavor.

Step 7

Push the plunger down slowly, applying gentle, continuous pressure until it reaches the bottom.

Step 8

Serve the coffee immediately.

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Premium Quality Flavours & Services SRL
Strada Logofătul Tăutu 68A, Bucharest, Romania
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