

Method Info

Cold brewing is the process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period of time.


Coarse grind


A cold brew coffee dripper

Burr coffee grinder

Glass (250-300 ml)


90gr coffee / 1 litre of water

Extraction ratio

1: 2

Step 1

Insert the permanent filter at the bottom of the middle glass beaker.

Step 2

Add the desired amount of ground coffee into the middle glass beaker.

Step 3

Fill the top glass beaker with water (ice is optional), at room temperature.

Step 4

Adjust the drip rate to 40 drops per minute. Monitor and readjust if necessary.

Step 5

Wait until the extraction is complete (about 6 hours). Dilute with water for a lighter taste (optional).

Step 6

Serve the coffee in an old fashion glass with ice.

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Premium Quality Flavours & Services SRL
Strada Logofătul Tăutu 68A, Bucharest, Romania
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