Method Info
The Aeropress, this peculiar and lovely device was perfected by the inventor and engineer Adam Adler. This preparation uses manually generated pressure and delivers a rich, espresso like coffee.

Medium to fine grind

Water boiler
Burr coffee grinder
Precison scale
Cup (150-300 ml)

15gr coffee; 240 ml water

1: 16

Step 1
Heat the water at a temperature between 92 ° C and 96 ° C.

Step 2
Insert a paper filter into the AeroPress’s detachable plastic cap and rinse it with hot water.

Step 3
Place it on your scale with the flared end up, then tare the weight. The numbers should appear upside-down. Add the desired amount of ground coffee and tare again.

Step 4
Pour the freshly boiled hot water completely saturating the grounds. Give it a stir to make sure the coffee is saturated.

Step 5
Fasten the cap, ensuring it locks into the grooves tightly. Wait about 1:15 min.

Step 6
Flip the whole assembly over with haste and control.

Step 7
Position it atop your brew vessel and begin applying downward pressure. This will take about 20-30 sec. Your coffee is fully brewed once it begins to make a hissing sound.

Step 8
Remove the appliance from the cup.

Step 9
Serve the coffee.