

We believe that coffee is a people business. We build friendships and create partnerships based on the notion of earning people’s trust.

From the farmers who cultivate and harvest, to the professionals who prepare to the customers who drink our coffee; we look to support & enable the communities in which we work. We believe that as a responsible member of the coffee community it is up to all of us to create a long – term sustainable way of working that benefits all concerned.

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Credem ca adevarata maiestrie este obtinuta in zilele noastre prin imbinarea traditiei cu evolutia tehnologica. Aceasta combinatie de arta si inovatie ne permite sa aducem, in mod constant, cea mai buna cafea direct din plantatie pana la ceasca de cafea.



Premium Quality Flavours & Services SRL
Str. Veseliei nr 3-5, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Τel. +40.31.4256450||info@dimello.ro

© Dimello 2019. All Rights Reserved.

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